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Akela (una Lei) compie 50 anni

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Registrato: 18/07/06 16:34
Messaggi: 386
Residenza: Branco di bufali vicino all'Albert Memorial

MessaggioInviato: Lunedì 18 Settembre 2006, 16:45    Oggetto: Akela (una Lei) compie 50 anni Rispondi citando

Scusate se è in Inglese, ma a tradurla la rovinerei....

Akela was going to be 50 during summer camp and her leaders (all men)
asked what she wanted as a birthday present.

"I'd love to be eight again" she replied

On the morning of her birthday they woke early, made her a nice big
of Coco Pops and then took her off with teh pack to the local theme
park. What a Day!

They put her on every ride in the park:

* The Death Slide
* The Wall of Fear
* The Screaming Monster Roller Coaster

Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park.
Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
Right away they journeyed to a McDonalds sat her down in the middle of
all the cubs where the leaders ordered her a Happy Meal with extra
fries and an extra large refreshing chocolate milk shake, just like all
teh rest.

Then it was off to the cinema: the latest Star Wars epic, a hot dog,
popcorn, all the Coke she could drink, her favourite lolly and M&Ms.

What a fabulous adventure!

Finally she wobbled back to the camp site one of the leaders said

"what was it like being eight again?"

her expression suddenly changed.

"I meant my dress size, you ******* ****s"

The moral of this story : Even when a men are listening, they are still
gonna get it wrong.

Età: 37
Segno zodiacale: Ariete
Registrato: 07/05/06 21:36
Messaggi: 1435
Residenza: Romano

MessaggioInviato: Lunedì 18 Settembre 2006, 20:20    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Ahahahahahahahah... Incontentabili donne...

Età: 45
Segno zodiacale: Capricorno
Registrato: 11/09/06 09:56
Messaggi: 467
Residenza: nowhere

MessaggioInviato: Mercoledì 20 Settembre 2006, 13:03    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

è una ovvia presa in giro per gli scout !!!
(ahahaha come sempre Very Happy)
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