Scout C@fé: Il Forum degli Scout Possono leggere e scrivere in questo forum tutti coloro che sono interessati al mondo dello scautismo
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Età: 64 Segno zodiacale:  Registrato: 08/03/07 19:46 Messaggi: 382 Residenza: Milano
Inviato: Venerdì 28 Marzo 2008, 00:12 Oggetto: |
uomodelbosco ha scritto: |
.. C'è forse della spiritualità in questa "promessa"?... |
come ho già detto questa "promessa" non mi piace, la trovo burocratica e per niente spirituale. Ma non credo che per essere spirituale debba fare riferimento a Dio. anche ne Vangelo leggo
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Non chiunque mi dice: Signore, Signore, entrerà nel regno dei cieli, ma colui che fa la volontà del Padre mio che è nei cieli. Mt 7,21 |
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Registrato: 06/03/07 18:14 Messaggi: 1260
Inviato: Venerdì 28 Marzo 2008, 09:05 Oggetto: |
porcellinopacifico ha scritto: |
uomodelbosco ha scritto: |
.. C'è forse della spiritualità in questa "promessa"?... |
come ho già detto questa "promessa" non mi piace, la trovo burocratica e per niente spirituale. Ma non credo che per essere spirituale debba fare riferimento a Dio. anche ne Vangelo leggo
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Non chiunque mi dice: Signore, Signore, entrerà nel regno dei cieli, ma colui che fa la volontà del Padre mio che è nei cieli. Mt 7,21 |
Vero, ma l'uomo è facile al dimenticare, e un riferimento in più a Dio è meglio di un riferimento in meno.
Comunque resta aperta la domanda: perchè? Che necessità c'era? Come dice Rino, sarebbe interessante un intervento Cngei. |
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Registrato: 05/03/07 11:40 Messaggi: 1399
Inviato: Sabato 21 Novembre 2009, 15:50 Oggetto: |
Grazie ad un Capo del CNGEI ho recuperato la formulazione in inglese della "promessa" del lupetto CNGEI sottoposta all'approvazione di WOSM e WAGGGS:
Promessa del Lupetto CNGEI (English version) ha scritto: |
I (name) will engage myself to do my best to improve myself, to grow together with my Brothers and search for my Spirituality.
I want to discover with curiosity and respect my City, my Country and the World, love Nature and make Good Turns.
I choose to be part of the (name) Pack and will strive to learn about and follow its Law.
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Registrato: 18/07/06 16:34 Messaggi: 386 Residenza: Branco di bufali vicino all'Albert Memorial
Inviato: Martedì 16 Febbraio 2010, 15:18 Oggetto: |
Si, perfetto politically correct, sembra la garanzia di un software, avete presente quelli che dopo averti minacciato di pena di morte se anche solo ne fai una copia di riserva, alla fine, in tutto maiuscolo dicono "questo software che hai pagato potrebbe anche non funzionare o dare falsi risultati, se succede noi non ci prendiamo nseeuna responsabilità e non riconosceremo i danni"...
mutatis mutandis ecco la nuova promessa, in Inglese perché rende meglio l'assurdità e per fare ridere Boboman, con le annotazioni date dal WOSM....
I (name shouldn't be pronounced in order to protect the anonimity of the child, as well as not to traumatise him/her in the event the name could sound foreign or, quel horreur too national and in this case would offend anyone from a different background or minority) will engage (alternative wording: will consider, more respectful of the personal choice of the child as well as being not too engaging term) to do (alternative wording: to attempt in order not to put too undue pressure and not to introduce too early a dangerous result oriented culture that could lead to trauma in the event the child would find too hard to actually perform anything) my best (please, before the promise is made, inform and stress with the children that my best is a subjective term and that even thinking about it will be enough) to improve myself (a more suitable wording would be "to be happy as I am", because the proposed wording would imply that the child is in need of improvement and then being derisive and/or diminuitive of his/her being at the moment), to grow together with my Brothers (sorry, but we strongly disagree with this wordng because "together" means that the child should limit his/her personality and expression taking into account other members of the community, while this must be taken into consideration only when limits are put not to offend religious/ethnic/correctness sensibilities, furthermore the term "Brothers" not only is sexist, but also may offend those who are single children, please find a different wording) and search for my Spirituality. (also this part must be amended, because may imply that spirituality can be achieved and recognised by the individual, not taking into account that there are some religious/ethnic minorities where spirituality must be achieved by the teachings of a superior authority, and not by dangerous personal search).
I want to discover with curiosity and respect (this part may work, although we suggest that "respect" should be pronounced gangsta style and with the appropriate hand signs)my City, my Country and the World, (this may be reworded in "a" City, and "a" country, not to offend the sensitivities of those religious and/or ethnic minorities who would feel marginalised by the reference of the city where they presently are as "my". Furthermore the term Country may be interpreted as an affirmation of nationalism, we suggest to substitute the word with "area" or, if you feel that the term "country" will suit best, at least don't capitalise it) love Nature and make Good Turns. (we suggest leaving out the part about "Good Turns", first because sounds too linked with the old cliché of scouts helping old ladies to cross the road, it may be changed in "creating opportunities").
I choose to be part of the (name, we suggest not to use the name of the Pack, firstly to protect the privacy of minors, secondarily because any choosen name for the pack could hurt the sensitivity of an ethnic/religious minority) Pack (Suggested rewording is "I am considering being part" as the term "choose to be" may sound too commitmental and put too heavy a burden on these young people who otherwise shouldn't feel compelled to follow any choice) and will strive to learn about and follow its Law. (suggested rewording, "and will consider aswell doing something innit", indeed the term strive is too commitmental as is the notion that there is a Law, i.e. a set of rules to conform to. This may be considered offensive to those religious and ethnic sensitivities that derive any rule from a religious authority alone, as well as would harm the personality of the children who would feel traumatised by having to limit their choices because of a given set of rules.
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Registrato: 05/03/07 11:40 Messaggi: 1399
Inviato: Martedì 16 Febbraio 2010, 17:25 Oggetto: |
Bellissimo!! Anche se temo che non sia così lontano dalla realtà visto che ha ricevuto l'approvazione di entrambi gli organismi internazionali.
Preferirei che il CNGEI scrivesse di nuovo a WOSM e WAGGGS:
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